8 “Office Friendly” Yoga Poses


Sitting at your desk for hours on end throughout the week can place unnecessary stress on the lumbar spine and back, tighten the hips and chest, and produce poor circulation in your legs. Because of the significant connection between the body and mind, all of these physical issues can lead to a lack of concentration or “brain fog”, the thinning in brain regions linked to memory, and psychological stress (anxiety, depression, etc.).

Try these 8 simple yoga poses that you can perform at your desk to increase energy, clear your mind, and reduce physical discomfort:

Seated Side Stretch

Bring one hand across your body and grab the opposite side of your chair or thigh

Extend the opposite hand above your head, finding as much length as possible

Lean to the side, create a side body stretch as you reach

Tip: create space between your shoulders and ears, gaze up in the opposite direction that you are reaching, and keep your chest squared

Benefit: Brings balance to your entire body, lengthens the abdominal muscles and hips

Seated Easy Twist

Place one hand across your body (on the opposite thigh or the arm of your chair)

As you inhale find length in your spine, as you exhale twist your body

Keep both knees facing forward as you twist

Tip: Continue to lengthen your spine as you twist

Benefit: Promotes good posture and stimulates circulation

Wrist Stretch

Take your fingertips of one hand into the palm of your other hand

Extend that same arm forward at the height of your shoulder

Gently press your fingers down, towards your body, with the palm of the other hand

Benefit: Brings relief to your wrists, especially if you type or write all day

Seated Pigeon

While seated in your chair, cross one ankle over the other knee, creating a 90 degree angle

Keep the foot flexed to ensure there is not too much pressure on the knee

Benefit: Opens and loosens the hips, invites creativity and the birth of new ideas

Seated Cat Cow

Place your hands on your knees

As you inhale, arch your back and gave to the ceiling

As you exhale, connect your chin to your chest and press your back towards your chair

Benefit: Helps fluctuate the spine and energize your mind

Neck Stretch

Let one ear fall towards your shoulder

Continues to pull your shoulder away from your ear

Option to roll your neck in BOTH directions

Benefit: Releases tension in your neck from slouching or staring at your computer all day. Stretching your neck also positively effects your state of mind

Shoulder Opener

Place both elbows on your desk or chair

Press your chest down towards the floor so your elbows align with your shoulders

Benefit: Reduce joint discomfort and chronic muscle pain


Bring your hands together in front of your heart

Close your eyes

Take 10 deep breaths

Benefit: Calms the nervous system and helps you connect with your breath

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